[source: http://www.cnet.com/1990-7899_1-6488385-1.html?tag]
- • Open Terminal.app from the Applications folder.
- When the Terminal text window appears, type: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE.
- Press Enter.
- Type: killall Finder.
- Press Enter and leave the application open on the screen.
The ipod_control folder should then appear in the iPod disk contents. Once you've located ipod_control, create a folder on the Desktop to copy the Music folder contents. Then, import the music into iTunes using the Add Folder option.
Once you find and transfer your music, don't forget to disable the file-showing operation. On Windows, retrace your steps and deselect "Show hidden files and folders." For Macs, type FALSE instead of TRUE in the Terminal application.
[source: http://www.cnet.com/1990-7899_1-6488385-1.html?tag]